6 biggest data engineering trends
Data engineering traditionally involves designing and building systems able to convert massive amounts of raw data from numerous, often disparate, sources and move them into a single warehouse. Here the data is available as uniform, usable information...
Part 3. Build your own Master Data Management solution
Fabien Arnaud , Data ArchitectKeyrus Belgium
Part 2. Build your own Master Data Management solution
Fabien Arnaud , Data ArchitectKeyrus Belgium
Part 1. Build your own master Data Management solution
This title will sound provocative to many of you. Why on earth would someone want to build a Master Data Management solution when there are so many off-the-shelf products that can do this for you? Why not simply install turnkey software from a market...
57% of IT experts say generative AI is the next BI revolution
By Tracy Burrows for Keyrus and Tableau