What do Keyrus's employees have to say about us? 🗣️
We reached out to our team members from around the globe – from America to Asia – and their feedback was diverse and inspiring! 🌍
What do the Keyrus women have to say?
At Keyrus, 35% of the workforce is made up of women. While it may not be perfect gender parity, the organization takes pride in this figure, especially since the industry average is only 27.6%, according to the report.
Planning to join Keyrus? Ask Chat GPT!
We're sure you've already heard about Chat GPT and its amazing ability to answer almost any question...
Data scientists vs. data analysts: Who's who?
It all started in 1985. Microsoft brought to market a new tool that would revolutionize the way companies do business, enabling them to collect, organize, and understand their information better than ever before, and spawning a new discipline called...